Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparison of the Speech and Statement Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Draw Comparative Analysis between Susan B Antonys Speech on Womens Right to Vote in United States Written in 1873 and the Quantas CEOs Speech on the 2014/2015 End year Financial Performance of The Australian based airline. Answer: Introduction This paper seeks to draw comparative analysis between Susan B Antonys speech on womens right to vote in United States written in 1873 and the Quantas CEOs speech on the 2014/2015 end year financial performance of The Australian based airline. The Susan B Antonys speech written in 1873 after she allegedly casted an illegal vote in 1872 Presidential elections and fined by the American state court of law $100 which she refused to pay, highlights the discourse in the American society in the 18th century where half of the population was consigned into political oblivion by virtue of not being allowed to vote or participate in elections and determine the countrys political direction. Through this speech M/s Antony wanted to highlight this injustice to women in US and call for its revocation. Financial year 2014/2015 marked a phenomenal year for Quantas as captured in the CEOs speech. The company made $975 million profit before tax which was a turnaround of $1.6 billion compared to the previous financial year of 2013/2014 meaning the company made losses because the turnaround figure is bigger than the realized figure and this is the discourse that this paper will seek to base the analysis of the CEOs speech during the closing of 2014/2015 financial year. The main intention/objective of the CEO in this speech was to motivate his workforce and painting a bright future for the company. This paper will therefore aim to analyze how effective where these two speech in respect to the corresponding discourses and communicating their objectives to the target audiences. Analysis of Susan B Antonys speech The speech was first based on the fact that the national law of United States is superior to all other laws enacted separately by various States in America. It raises the point that any law enacted by any state in the United States of America and is inconsistent to the national law is invalid to the extend of that inconsistency. By raising this argument she not only gave a strong reason why she thought women should vote but also proved that voting was a right which everyone ought to have enjoyed not a privilege of the chosen few. She again raises the point that the constitution says We the people of United Statesdo ordain and establish this constitution and it doesnt say We the men of United States. do ordain and establish this constitution. This communicated to the male fraternity then in US and reminded them what the constitution was actually saying contrary to their interpretation. By highlighting the plurality of the constitution she points out effectively that the constitution i s very clear who are the people of United States. If it meant men only then it should have said We the men if it mean women only it should have said We the women. This served to remind her audience who the constitution had in mind when it said We the people (, 2017) She also points out the fact that sex should not be used as basis of disfranchising one half of the population from participating in civic duty of voting. That it was wrong for the women to be denied rights to vote because they are females. She points out that being female is also a being a human being with cognitive knowledge and ability to make proper and right decisions. With this she raised an important point of human rights to her audience. She reminds her audience that women are also human beings and as such the issue of using sex to discriminate upon them was not correct. She opens her audiences eyes to the fact both women and men are human being and should enjoy the same privileges. She defined women as persons incase part of her audience did not know this for some reason and the need for them to enjoy all the privileges persons in United States enjoyed. (, 2017) By bringing to the fore what women felt about the government she talked to the men in US that their wives, daughters and sisters were not comfortable with the State governments that disenfranchised them from voting. This highlighted to the men that probably half of the population was indeed not with the Nation and it is something which was affecting the Unity of the nation as envisaged in the constitution. This hoped that this point will jolt the men to rethink about their position on women voting rights. She communicated to irrational side of the men. The side that makes irrational decisions about men and women friendships when combat tools are down because of emotions and the target is easy clouded in the relationship. She was quite tactful on this. (, 2017) And she was right after she passed on in 1906 both The Republicans and the Democrats in 1920 endorsed women rights to vote and all laws were amended to capture this new state of affairs in the US democracy. Analysis of the Quantas CEOs Statement The CEO begins his speech by quoting the turn around in profits the company made in the financial year under consideration compared to the previous year. This is a powerful tool to capture the attention of the audience probably in a meeting hall where the results was being announced. The audience will be eager to know what we did right and therefore and effective way of staying glued to the full statement. (, 2017) The CEO highlights to his audience how the transformation program the company launched in 2013 has helped the company. He notes that it has unlocked $1.1 billion in cumulative transformation benefits. This communicates to the audience that their efforts are bearing results something which is encouraging to any employee out there to continue pursuing the same objectives. By this, The CEO motivated his workforce by informing them their good performance although the company took hard decisions to implement the transformation agenda. The hard decision could have been reduction in bonuses or reduced promotions which affect employees moral and it was therefore important that the CEO points out the gains the company is making and probably reverse some of the decisions taken to better the welfare of the employees. (, 2017) He reminds his audiences of the importance of the diversity and quality of the Quantas Group. This makes employees appreciate the fact that they are working for a strong brand in the market and due to this their jobs for the employees are very secure and they are set to learn from each other and to the share holders the message communicates to the that their investments are in the right hand of professionals who will manage it effectively. The CEO highlights that Quantas as an airline company has customers at the center of every decision they make. He reminds the workforce that customers should continue being handled in the best customer experience as possible. He reaffirms to them the company takes seriously the need for excellent customer service to enable the company attract and retain customers. This was effective in communicating this objective of the company in that it is one of the items in the key note address by the CEO underlining how the aspect is central to the company business. (, 2017) The statement points out the future plans of the company in acquiring new planes for longer distance or long haul flight. This assures both the employees and the investors that the company is expanding a very important message to the stakeholder and an effective way of assuring them of their continuity at the company. It also captures the fact that the airline was keen on sustainable business model guided by their transformational agenda launched in the year 2013. The company strategy and the commitment to innovation, service and social responsibility highlights to the audiences the aspirations of the group going forward and therefore all the stakeholders and especially the employees should espouse these values of the company. It encourages them to be innovative and the company will embrace their innovative idea. The company objective of sustainable continuity is embedded to the employees by encouraging them to be innovative which will in turn enable the company to expand and develop ed in future. (, 2017) Structural comparison of the Speech and Statement In terms of the content of both the speech and the statement, Susan B Antonys speech is mostly based on the law and the need for an inclusive society in terms of civic rights, Qunatas CEOs speech is purely on financial matters and business development. M/s Antony makes references to the national law of United States to drive home her point such as when she quotes the constitution on which people ordained and established it. She goes ahead and mentions that both men and women of United States ordained the constitution. While on the other hand the CEOs statement list the customers as the most important aspect of the company that is central to the decision being taken by the company and uses the need for the company to ensure great customer service as the reason why the customers are central to the each decision the company makes. (Critical Thinking, 2016) The speech by M/s is a message of defiance. She says that It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead, simply exercised my citizen's rights, guaranteed to me.. Her tone was not a remorseful tone having voted but unrepentant one laced with why she thought she was right to vote. The CEOs speech was that of friendly tone highlighting and encouraging his audience on the importance of various aspect of the company ranging from the transformational program the Quanta Group lunched in the year 2013 to the need for the company to continue greater customer experience. (Critical Thinking, 2016) The two, speech and statement however have similarities although written close to 100 years apart. The speech by M/s Antony had a rallying call to her audience to appreciate the fact that all persons in America are the same they have equal rights to vote and participate in other civic duties. The CEOs statement also had a rallying call to the companys stakeholders to continue the transformation ongoing at the company and ensure that customers are treated in the best way possible. (Critical Thinking, 2016) In conclusion, I aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of both the speech by Susan B Antony and the Quantas CEOs statement in communicating their respective objectives to the target audiences they intended to reach. I found out that both sets of the communications were very effective in the way they passed on their respective objectives to their target audience. Various effective techniques were at play ranging from the tone to quoting relevant materials such as when M/s Antony quoted the constitution and the CEO referring to the groups transformational program to drive their respective objectives to their audience. The friendly tone used by the CEO and the defiance tone exhibited in Susan B Antonys speech both corresponded well with the nature of the discourse in both societies. References Belloc, H. (1923). On. New York: George H. Doran Co. Calnitsky, D. (2011). Review Essay: Crisis and the Specificity of Analysis. Critical Sociology, 37(4), pp.483-492. Constitutional Law: Right of Women to Vote. (1918). Michigan Law Review, 16(3), p.193. Critical Thinking. (2016). McGraw-Hill College. (2017). The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Susan B. Anthony Speech - Women's Right to Vote. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Apr. 2017]. Martinez de Castillo, S. (2010). Strategies, techniques, approaches to thinking. 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