Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Video Game Violence Violent Video Games - 1626 Words

Brandon P. Student Ms. Dunn and Mrs. Davis English III 27 March 2015 Video Game Violence Violent video games have been being created since the first console. Yet only recently have we been blaming them for aggression in the player. We as humans have a tendency to blame our violent behavior on other things rather thin ourselves. Now aggression is being defined in many ways in this situation but mainly people point to the anger that’s brought out in the real world after the game or maybe it’s the gamers’ tendency to have outburst will playing the game. Both these thing show anger but do they really show that the game is what caused it. This same situation could be put in the place of me eating a potato and getting angry right after is it really the potatoes fault no. everyone get frustrated here and there could it not be that the player is only getting frustrated with the game same as if I was to get frustrated with trying to open something. Anger is a mysterious thing we all have it just some of us choose to show it more than others whether it be for one reason or another. Aggression is not the same thing a assertiveness. will playing games that include a vs. mode if the player was to die or be defeated by another player they usually want to retaliate and most people call this aggression but it’s not it’s the player trying to show his assertiveness over the other or that he’s better so basically if you have in aggressive beaverShow MoreRelatedVideo Game Violence And Violent Video Games2382 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract The issue of video game violence seems to be a hot topic right now after several shootings have occurred and made a connection to the shooters being video gamers. In looking at past research it is apparent that there seems to large amounts of research that contradict one work to another. Although I would have been interested in conducting a poll of the publics opinion regarding the use of violent video games and their connection to mass shootings I was not able to conduct the researchRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence1345 Words   |  6 Pageseven specially made devices for babies and children. Video games are interwoven with our daily lives. For many, it is just an innocent way to relax or enjoy themselves. For others, it has become an addiction in which they cannot escape. Not all video games are violent, but what about those that are? Does society have an obligation to monitor every type of video game children and adults play simply because they believe it may lead to acts of violence? Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologist, SchoolsRead MoreViolent Video Games And Violence1533 Words   |  7 Pagesthe unclear motives of the people behind such destructive behaviour. Unfortunately, many individuals have jumped to rash conclusions regarding the causes of such events by linking violent video games with violence in the youth population. Even more discerning individuals have also criticized the role of violent video games in encouraging people to become mass murderers. With these opinions gaining popularity in the mass media, it has become the predominant belief of society to explain why there areRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence Essay1630 Words   |  7 PagesVideo games are one of America’s most beloved pastimes, especially when it comes to teenagers. A whopping 97% of teenagers play video games, as opposed to only about 40% participate in sports. ( http://w This high percentage is still growing. Teens devotion for video games is becoming more and more popular, especially as more games of all different genres are becoming availableRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Violence1906 Words   |  8 PagesEver since he started playing video games, like Call of Duty. Violent video games have been a battle that my family has been fighting for a few years now. My brother, started out small, playing Nintendo games and simple games like Crash. However, my brother has always had a slight anger management problem and even with easygoing games, he became furious when he lost. Because he has lofty dreams of winning every game possible, he will not stop. Now, with video games, like Call of Duty and God of WarRead MoreViolent Video Games And Violence855 Words   |  4 Pagesof violence in the popular media influencing a young generation to violence has been hotly debated. Since the introduction of violent video games in the 1970’s, for example, the shooting games Empire and Maze War from 1973, people have noticed that violent video games induce violent behavior in players, especially in teenage males. Despite people seeing the negative influence of violent media earlier as well, only in the last two decades has video game violence come to the forefront as video gameRead MoreViolent Video Games And Violence1203 Words   |  5 PagesAre violent video games directly correlated to teen violence? This is the burning question many researchers are dedicated to answering. The common form of the question is â€Å"Is the increase in violence in games creating killer kids?† The simple answer is no. Instead the opposite has occurred, as games became more violent, the players became calmer. The games create a â€Å"safe† outlet for any anger or angst that young people possess. Crime rates in the teen population have lowered and violent teens admitRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Viol ence843 Words   |  4 PagesVideo games have been around for half a century when, the first simple tennis game was designed by William Higinbotham in 1958. Since then, video games have gotten more in depth, with better graphics and more options which include violent video games. Violent videos have gotten more popular with a better amount of variety including the franchise of Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Grand Theft Auto. These are the most common and popular video games and because of the violence in them debate has startedRead More Violent Video Games Do Not Cause Violence Essay3060 Words   |  13 Pages Do violent video games increase aggression in the people who play them? If so then video games could be responsible for much of the bad news we hear on television. Are video games responsible for school shootings? Do producers of video games need to tone down the violence? What will happen if video games become more and more violent and realistic? On the other hand, are video games to blame at all for the increase of violence in kids? When violence in video games started to increase, peopleRead MoreViolent Video Games Lead to Violence Essay1175 Words   |  5 Pagesbecoming more violent. Some worry that certain aspects of our technology, including the intenseness of violent video games, are affecting the violence among America’s youth, while others don’t see this as an issue at all. A study done in 2004, Factors Correlated with Violent Video Games Use by Adolescent Boys and Girls, reported that boys in grades seventh and eighth played violent video games to either release their anger or help them relax. According to the suggestion that video games act as a stress

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